Blowout Rainfall Last Night, Bunny today

I’m sitting here eating some warm rhubarb crisp thinking about the deluge we had last night during a passing thunderstorm. Fortunately, no hail at this location but the garden looks a mess. I was hoping to get many things planted this week but it looks like it may be until mid-week for the soil to dry out enough. I’ll most likely have to till again to loosen things up.  Fortunately I picked up a few bales of peat to work into the beds.

Look closely at the image at the top of the post. Find the Bunny? When I went out to pick the rhubarb for the crisp the devil leaped out of the oregano and made a break for raspberries. Turns out it had burrowed its way under the fence beneath the cover of the vines. The hole’s been patched. We’ll have to see if Peter R. returns.

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